Terri Gay

Terri Gay

Luxury Travel Concierge

With over two decades of experience in the travel industry, I bring a level of insight and knowledge that extends beyond the typical role of a travel agent. As a luxury travel concierge, I specialize in curating exceptional trips that set themselves apart. My expertise lies in crafting experiences for business, luxury, and beach travel across the globe.

Having worked with clients of varying travel backgrounds, I've planned trips for individuals with different levels of experience. Over time, these clients have evolved into lasting friendships, even without face-to-face meetings. The personal connection established with my clients, whether met in person or not, has proven to be enduring. Many of my clients continue to reach out for trip planning and travel advice, fostering relationships that are both professionally and personally enriching and rewarding.

From the outset of planning your journey, I take the time to carefully listen to your desires, tailoring an itinerary that aligns with your unique preferences.

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